Pokemon Unbound

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Buckle up, Pokemon fans, cause we’re embarking on a wild ride through the historic Borrius Region, a place famous for its wide array of Pokemon and mysterious past! You’re about to learn all about it as you explore this picturesque piece of land in search of those adorable balls of fur and furry with a hope to befriend them and add to your battle team. And your journey is about to begin right now in Pokemon Unbound!

Pokemon are here to save the world again!

So, a bunch of years back, there was this epic showdown between Borrius and Kalos regions, like a Pokemon war of epic proportions. Borrius, feeling the heat, unleashed this crazy dark force to help them out. But Kalos wasn’t just going to sit around – they summoned their ultimate weapon, and Borrius got a one-way ticket to defeat town. Now the war’s done and dusted, and that dark force? Well, they put it in a big old cosmic time-out, locked away to prevent any more mishaps. But, you know how it goes – there’s always someone trying to stir the pot. This shadowy gang, “The Shadows”, they’re itching to bust that dark force out of its cosmic slammer. That’s where you come in, an aspiring Pokemon trainer who is going to save the world!

Epic battles, mega boosts and XP for captures!

Pokemon Unbound takes the whole Pokemon training and battling routine to a whole new level with a bunch of great features that will surely make you go all kawaii and banzai. First of all, your Pokemon moves are now smarter and stronger thanks to the Special Split which makes the combats way more epic. And then there is Mega Evolution which is like a turbo boost for your Pokemon, making them super-powered in the middle of a battle. And how about the X/Y capture experience? Catching Pokemon is usually just a “catch and move on” deal, right? Not anymore! With the release of Pokemon Unbound, they shook things up. Now, when you snag a new Pokemon, you and your team get some serious experience points.

All gens to join your team!

And finally, you get access to all Pokemon from all generations. Get ready to expand your Pokemon horizons, cause you’re not just hanging out with the OG crew from Gen 3. Nope, you’ve got a chance to meet Pokemon from the newer generations, including some charming Fairy types. They’re not just new faces – they’ve got fresh moves and abilities that will leave you in awe. So plunge right into Pokemon Unbound, see for yourself, and enjoy your Pokemon time!

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